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Disclaimer: Lease offer is based on approved credit through BMW Financial Services. The lease payment of $699.00 plus tax is for a 48-month term with an APR of 2.99%. A total of $4,999 is due at signing, which includes any applicable fees. The total cost of borrowing is $4,691.77, with an estimated total loan cost of $36,776.45 plus tax. The offer is subject to availability and may not be combined with other promotions or discounts. Taxes, licensing fees, and other charges are extra. Mileage allowance is 12,000 KM per year, and additional charges may apply for excess mileage. Please contact the dealership for complete details.
*Every reasonable effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the information listed above. Vehicle pricing, incentives, options (including standard equipment), and technical specifications listed is for the 2024 BMW X1 xDrive28i (STOCK #16027) may not match the exact vehicle displayed. Please confirm with a sales representative the accuracy of this information.